Resources > How to Write AI Prompts with Examples

How to Write AI Prompts with Examples

Updated on: 17 January 2024 | 10 min read
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With the rapid emergence of technologies like ChatGPT, came the need to master how to write effective AI prompts or commands. While the output AI generates depends solely on it, writing a good AI prompt is all about trial and error. Chances are, you’ll find yourself refining your prompts through a bit of trial and repetition before achieving the desired output.

In this guide, we will walk you through how to master the art of writing great AI prompts along with practical examples that you can use right away.

What are AI Prompts

But first, let’s start with the basics.

AI prompts are basically instructions or cues given to artificial intelligence systems, guiding them to generate specific responses or outputs. In other words, they are the input provided by users to interact with AI models like ChatGPT.

Users can influence AI-generated responses by formulating clear and well-crafted prompts. The process involves experimenting with different languages and structures to achieve the desired outcome, since the effectiveness of a prompt often depends on how well it aligns with the capabilities of the AI model.

Types of AI Prompts

AI prompts can take various forms, tailored to different needs and contexts.

Instructional prompts

Direct the AI to perform a specific task or provide information.


  • “Summarize the key findings and insights from a market research report on consumer preferences for smart home devices.”
  • “Provide a step-by-step troubleshooting guide for fixing common errors encountered during the deployment of a machine learning model.”

Generative prompts

Encourage the AI to create new content, such as text, images, or music.


  • “Start a captivating story set in a world where time travel is a common occurrence, exploring the consequences of altering the past.”
  • “Imagine a city a hundred years from now where AI governs every aspect of daily life. Describe its architecture, culture, and societal norms.”

Interpretive prompts

Ask the AI to interpret or analyze information.


  • “Break down the key findings of a scientific research paper on climate change. Interpret the implications of the study and its relevance to environmental policies.”
  • “Interpret current market trends in consumer behavior, discussing the factors influencing purchasing decisions and potential implications for businesses.”

Question-answer prompts

Pose questions to the AI to get informative responses.


  • “What are the main types of renewable energy sources, and how do they contribute to sustainable energy practices?”
  • “Why is STEM education important, and how does it contribute to fostering critical thinking and innovation among students?”

Conditional prompts

Include specific conditions or constraints for the AI’s response.


  • “Provide a recipe for a vegan chocolate cake with gluten-free options.”
  • “Simulate a customer support interaction. Depending on the user’s inquiry about a product issue, provide troubleshooting steps or initiate a return process.”

Comparative prompts

Request the AI to compare and contrast different concepts or ideas.


  • “Compare the advantages and disadvantages of electric cars versus traditional cars.”
  • “Compare and contrast the advantages and disadvantages of Python and JavaScript for web development, highlighting their key features and use cases.”

Rephrasing prompts

Instruct the AI to express a given idea or sentence in a different way.


  • “Rephrase the following sentence to make it more formal.”
  • “Rewrite the following paragraph to make it more casual.”

Contextual prompts

Supply additional context to guide the AI’s understanding.


  • “Considering the context of a job interview, suggest responses to common questions.”
  • “Assume the role of a digital marketing specialist. Create a comprehensive social media plan outlining specific steps for promoting a new product to a target audience.”

Task-specific prompts

Tailor prompts for specific applications or domains.


  • “Generate code snippets for a Python program that calculates Fibonacci numbers.”
  • “Create a comprehensive lesson plan for a high school geography class. Include interactive activities to teach students about world capitals.”

Opinion or recommendation prompts

Seek the AI’s opinion on a topic or request recommendations.


  • “What are your thoughts on the impact of technology on education?”
  • “Express your opinion on the future of remote work trends. Provide recommendations for businesses adapting to a more remote-friendly environment.”

Collaborative prompts

Engage the AI in a collaborative writing or brainstorming session.


  • “Help me brainstorm ideas for a marketing campaign targeting young adults.”
  • “Work with me to design and execute a social media campaign for a product launch. Coordinate content creation and posting schedules.”

How to Write Effective AI Prompts

Writing effective AI prompts can significantly impact the quality of responses you receive. Remember that writing effective AI prompts often involves a bit of experimentation. So feel free to try different approaches and iterate as needed to achieve the best results with the AI model you’re working with. Here are some tips you can use when writing AI prompts.

1. Be clear and specific

Clearly articulate your request to minimize ambiguity. Specify the type of information or response you’re seeking. The more precise you are, the better the AI can understand and fulfill your request.

2. Provide context

Offering context helps the AI understand the background and nuances of your prompt. It helps the model with generating more relevant and accurate responses, particularly in situations where additional information is essential.

3. Experiment with phrasing

If an initial prompt doesn’t generate the desired results, try rephrasing or restructuring it. Language nuances can significantly impact the AI’s comprehension, so experimenting with different phrasings increases your chances of achieving the output you want.

4. Use examples

Including examples related to your prompt gives the AI with concrete instances to understand your request better. It offers a practical illustration of your expectations and helps the model in generating more contextually relevant responses.

5. Limit open-ended queries

While AI models can handle open-ended prompts, providing some structure or constraints can lead to more focused and relevant responses. Limiting the scope of your prompt helps guide the AI towards specific information or tasks.

6. Check prompt length

Keep prompts concise and focused. Lengthy prompts may lead to confusion or misinterpretation. Aim for clarity and brevity to make sure that the AI can easily grasp and respond to your request.

7. Use keywords

Include keywords relevant to your prompt. This helps the AI with recognizing the primary elements of your request and generates responses that align with the key concepts you’ve highlighted.

8. Understand model limitations

Familiarize yourself with the capabilities and limitations of the AI model you’re working with. This understanding helps you set realistic expectations and customize your prompts to align with the model’s strengths.

9. Iterate and refine

Recognize that writing effective prompts may involve a trial-and-error process. After receiving initial responses, assess what worked and what didn’t. Use this feedback to refine and iterate your prompts for better outcomes over time.

10. Review and revise

After receiving responses, review them critically. Identify areas where the prompt could be improved or clarified. Revise your prompts based on the outcomes to continuously improve the effectiveness of your interactions with the AI.

Good AI Prompts vs Bad AI Prompts

SyntaxGood AI PromptsBad AI Prompts
ClarityClearly articulates user’s request.Lacks specificity, leading to confusion.
Contextual GuidanceProvides additional context to guide AI.Fails to provide context, hindering understanding.
FocusSpecific and focused on a particular task.Overly broad or generic requests.
PrecisionClearly defines the scope of the request.Lacks precision, leading to misinterpretation.
Creativity (if applicable)Encourages imaginative thinking.Does not stimulate creative thinking, limiting outputs.
CompletenessIncludes all necessary details or parameters.Missing essential details, resulting in incomplete responses.
LanguageUsing plain and straightforward language that is easily understandable.Using overly complex or technical language in prompts.

Why Should You Write Good AI Prompts

Good AI prompts bridge the gap between human input and machine output, influencing the quality of the responses. Time and effort put into crafting effective prompts will increase the overall value of AI interactions. Here’s why it’s important to write good AI prompts.

  • A good AI prompt results in more accurate and relevant responses, ensuring the content generated meets the user’s needs.
  • Prompts that are well-crafted save time and resources by minimizing revisions. It’s especially useful when quick and precise responses are needed.
  • Positive user experiences start with effective prompts. They help users achieve their desired outcomes, leading to increased satisfaction and confidence in using AI.
  • A clear prompt helps the AI understand user intent and context, leading to more accurate responses.
  • In problem-solving scenarios, well-crafted prompts can guide the AI to provide insights, solutions, or relevant information.

Examples of Good AI Prompts

Here are some examples of AI prompts for various scenarios.

AI prompts for brainstorming and ideation

  • Prompt for creative ideas - “Generate innovative concepts for a sustainable urban living project, incorporating eco-friendly technologies and community engagement.”

  • Prompt for product innovation - “Brainstorm novel features and functionalities for a next-generation smart home device that enhances convenience and energy efficiency.”

  • Prompt for marketing campaign ideas - “Generate creative and impactful marketing campaign ideas for a new line of eco-friendly fashion accessories targeting a young, environmentally conscious audience.”

Checkout our guide on AI brainstorming to learn how to generate ideas faster with AI

AI prompts for content generation

  • Prompt for blog post - “Write an informative blog post on the benefits and challenges of remote work, considering both employee well-being and organizational productivity.”

  • Prompt for social media content - “Create engaging social media posts highlighting the key features of our latest product launch, emphasizing its unique value proposition.”

  • Prompt for video script - “Generate a script for a short explainer video introducing our company’s mission, values, and commitment to sustainability.”

AI prompts for data analysis

  • Customer purchase behavior analysis - “Conduct exploratory data analysis on customer purchase behavior, identifying patterns and trends to inform targeted marketing strategies.”

  • Sales forecasting model - “Develop a predictive model to forecast monthly sales based on historical data, considering seasonal trends and external factors”

  • Website anomaly detection - “Identify and analyze anomalies in website traffic patterns to enhance cybersecurity measures and ensure a secure online environment for users.”

  • Market research summary - “Summarize recent market research findings on consumer preferences and trends in the tech industry, focusing on potential opportunities for our products.”

  • Social media engagement analysis - “Analyze social media engagement metrics for our brand, identifying successful campaigns and areas for improvement in audience interaction.”

AI prompts for marketing

  • Product Ad copy - “Craft persuasive ad copy for a social media campaign showcasing the unique features and benefits of our new product.”

  • Email marketing campaign content - “Generate engaging content for an email marketing campaign promoting exclusive discounts and rewards for our loyal customer base”

  • Brand story infographic - “Create an infographic summarizing our brand’s story, values, and impact, suitable for sharing on social media platforms.”

  • Customer testimonials compilation - “Compile customer testimonials and success stories into a compelling narrative to build trust and credibility for our brand.”

  • Influencer partnership pitch - “Develop a pitch for potential influencer partnerships, outlining the mutual benefits and unique selling points of our products.”

AI prompts for customer service

  • Product FAQs compilation - “Compile a comprehensive set of FAQs for our customer support portal, covering common queries related to our latest product.”

  • Technical issue resolution guidance - “Provide step-by-step resolution guidance for customers facing common technical issues with our software, ensuring a user-friendly troubleshooting process.”

  • Customer feedback analysis - “Analyze customer feedback data to identify common themes, sentiments, and areas for improvement in our products and services.”

  • Live chat script for new feature - “Craft a script for live chat interactions introducing a new feature, addressing potential questions and guiding users on its usage.”

  • FAQs for return and refund process - “Develop FAQs outlining the return and refund process, providing clear instructions and addressing common concerns for customers”

AI prompts for strategic planning

  • SWOT analysis for market expansion - “Conduct a SWOT analysis for our company’s market expansion into new regions, considering internal strengths, weaknesses, and external opportunities, threats.”

  • Diversification strategy plan - “Develop a strategic plan for diversifying our product offerings, considering market demand, competition, and potential partnerships.”

  • Technology adoption roadmap - “Create a roadmap for adopting emerging technologies within our organization, outlining the steps, milestones, and anticipated benefits.”

  • Competitor analysis overview - “Provide an overview of competitor analysis, summarizing key strengths, weaknesses, and market positioning of major competitors in our industry.”

In conclusion, writing good AI prompts is important for getting meaningful responses. It involves being clear about what you want and refining your prompts based on the generated outputs. The process is like a conversation where you guide the AI to provide useful information or creative ideas. Effective prompts act as a key to unlocking the potential of AI for problem-solving and creative thinking.


Amanda Athuraliya
Amanda Athuraliya Communications Specialist

Amanda Athuraliya is the communication specialist/content writer at Creately, online diagramming and collaboration tool. She is an avid reader, a budding writer and a passionate researcher who loves to write about all kinds of topics.

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