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What is a SIPOC Diagram? Step-by-Step Guide with Templates

Updated on: 23 January 2024 | 9 min read
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The success of a business operation relies heavily on the clarity of its processes. This is where SIPOC comes in, offering a structured framework for understanding, analyzing, and improving business workflows. SIPOC is used extensively in business process analysis to gain a holistic view of operations.

In this guide, we will look at what SIPOC is, when and how to use it, and give your tips and templates to quickly get a head start.

What is SIPOC

SIPOC, which stands for Suppliers, Inputs, Process, Outputs, and Customers, is a visual mapping and analysis tool used in business process improvement.

Used extensively in business process analysis, SIPOC helps organizations to gain a holistic view of their operations. It begins by identifying suppliers, both internal and external, who provide the necessary inputs for the process. These inputs, ranging from materials to information, form the foundation for the subsequent stages.

The ‘Process’ component of SIPOC outlines the series of steps or activities involved in transforming inputs into outputs. This visual representation helps identify potential areas for improvement and recognize the flow of the process. Outputs, the end results of the process, are then delivered to customers – the ultimate recipients of the product or service.

SIPOC diagrams are valuable tools in Six Sigma, Lean, and other process improvement methodologies . They help with identifying opportunities for improvement, ensuring that business processes are aligned with customer requirements, and promoting overall efficiency and effectiveness.

What is a SIPOC Diagram

The SIPOC diagram is a high-level process map that helps organizations understand and document the key elements of a process. A SIPOC diagram typically takes the form of a table or flowchart, with each column or step representing one of the five components. They serve as a starting point for process analysis, helping teams identify areas for improvement, ensure alignment with customer needs, and facilitate communication about the overall process structure.

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SIPOC Elements

Here are the key components of the SIPOC diagram.

  • Suppliers: These are entities or sources that provide the inputs necessary for the process to function. Suppliers can be internal or external to the organization. Identifying and understanding the suppliers helps ensure the reliability and quality of inputs.

  • Inputs: Inputs are the materials, information, or resources that are supplied by the suppliers and are essential for the process to begin. Understanding the quality and reliability of inputs is crucial for maintaining an effective process.

  • Process: This is the core of the SIPOC diagram, representing the steps or activities involved in transforming the inputs into outputs. The process step outlines the workflow and helps identify potential areas for improvement.

  • Outputs: Outputs are the end results or products produced by the process. They could be tangible goods, services, or information that are delivered to the customers.

  • Customers: Customers are the recipients of the outputs, and they can be both internal and external to the organization. Identifying and understanding customer needs is essential for tailoring the process to meet or exceed expectations.

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How to Create a SIPOC Diagram in 6 steps

Creating a SIPOC diagram involves a systematic process to outline the key components of a process: Suppliers, Inputs, Process, Outputs, and Customers. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to create a SIPOC diagram:

1. Define the process

Clearly identify and define the specific process you want to map. Be specific about the boundaries and scope of the process.

2. Identify stakeholders

Engage with key stakeholders, including both internal and external parties, to gather insights and perspectives on the targeted process. Ensure their involvement in the SIPOC analysis.

3. Identify the key elements

Develop a SIPOC diagram as you identify the main suppliers, inputs, process steps, outputs, and customers associated with the process. This may involve gathering information from stakeholders, process documentation, or direct observation.

SIPOC Diagram
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  • Identify key suppliers: Determine the primary suppliers providing inputs to your process.
  • Assess reliability: Evaluate the reliability and consistency of these suppliers. Are there any risks associated with their performance or delivery?
  • Evaluate relationships: Understand the relationships between the organization and its suppliers. Are there opportunities for collaboration or improvement in these relationships?


  • Identify key inputs: List and describe the crucial materials, information, or resources required for the process.
  • Assess quality: Evaluate the quality of inputs. Are there variations in the inputs, and how might these variations affect the process?
  • Explore alternatives: Investigate whether there are alternative or better inputs that could enhance the process.


  • Map the process steps: Clearly outline each step in the process, from initiation to completion. Use flowcharts or process maps to visualize the workflow.
  • Identify bottlenecks: Identify any bottlenecks or areas where the process slows down. Determine the efficiency of each step.
  • Evaluate decision points: Assess decision points within the process. Are decisions made efficiently, and are they based on relevant information?


  • Define outputs: Clearly define and describe the end products or services produced by the process.
  • Assess quality: Evaluate the quality and accuracy of the outputs. Are there established quality control measures?
  • Examine variations: Investigate variations in outputs. How consistent are the results, and what factors may influence variations?


  • Identify customer needs: Clearly understand the needs and expectations of both internal and external customers.
  • Gather feedback: Seek feedback from customers to understand their satisfaction levels. Are there specific pain points or areas for improvement?
  • Assess communication: Evaluate how well the organization communicates with customers throughout the process.

4. Identify improvement opportunities

Analyze the SIPOC diagram to pinpoint specific areas for improvement. Focus on streamlining processes, improving input quality, and optimizing the delivery of outputs.

5. Prioritize and implement improvement actions

Prioritize improvement actions based on potential impact, considering factors such as cost, feasibility, and expected benefits. Develop a detailed action plan with assigned responsibilities and timelines.

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Execute the action plan and implement the identified improvements. Monitor changes and gather feedback from stakeholders throughout the implementation process.

6. Measure and evaluate

Establish key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure the impact of changes. Regularly evaluate the process to make sure improvements align with the desired outcomes.

SIPOC Model Examples

Let’s consider an example of a simplified SIPOC diagram for the process of handling customer orders in an e-commerce company:

Customer Order Fulfillment Process

SIPOC Exampel for Customer Order Fulfillment
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  • Supplier 1: Product suppliers Provides the physical products available for sale.


  • Input 1: Customer order information Details provided by the customer during the online ordering process, including product selection, quantity, and shipping information.


  • Process Step 1: Online ordering system Customers navigate the online platform, select products, and provide necessary information.
  • Process Step 2: Order processing The system processes the order, verifies payment, and updates inventory.
  • Process Step 3: Fulfillment The order details are sent to the warehouse for packing and shipping.


  • Output 1: Shipped products Physical products shipped to the customer.
  • Output 2: Order confirmation Confirmation emails sent to the customer with order details and shipment tracking information.


  • Customer 1: End customers Individuals who place orders online and receive the shipped products.

Benefits of the SIPOC Model

The SIPOC model offers several benefits to organizations, making it a valuable tool for process analysis and improvement.

  • Clarity and understanding: SIPOC provides a clear and concise visual representation of a process, helping stakeholders gain a high-level understanding of how inputs are transformed into outputs.
  • Alignment with customer needs: By explicitly identifying customers and their needs, the SIPOC model ensures that the process is designed and optimized to meet customer expectations. This customer-centric approach increases overall satisfaction.
  • Process improvement opportunities: It assists in recognizing areas for improvement within the process. By visualizing the workflow and dependencies, organizations can pinpoint bottlenecks, inefficiencies, and opportunities for optimization.
  • Problem identification and resolution: The model helps in identifying problems or within the process. By understanding the relationships between components, organizations can address issues more effectively, leading to quicker problem resolution.
  • Process standardization: Using SIPOC, processes can be documented and standardized. Team members can use this documentation for training, so they understand what their responsibilities are within the overall process.

When to Use the SIPOC Model

SIPOC diagrams are versatile tools that can be used across different industries. Here are some scenarios where SIPOC diagrams are useful;

  • Understanding a process: Use SIPOC when you want a clear picture of how a process works. It helps to break down the process into its essential parts.
  • Improving a process: Employ SIPOC when you want to make a process better. It points out areas that could be enhanced and serves as a starting point for improvement.
  • Launching a project or product: Use SIPOC when starting something new, like a project or product. It outlines what you need and who is involved.
  • Training new people: Use SIPOC when bringing in new team members. It gives them a quick overview of how things work.
  • Quality control: Employ SIPOC when you want to make sure good quality in a process. It helps track how inputs become outputs and maintain quality.
  • Strategic planning: Use SIPOC when planning for the future. It shows which processes are important for reaching goals.
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SIPOC vs Process Maps

Both SIPOC diagrams and process maps are used in process analysis, but they have different purposes. With SIPOC, you can get a high-level view of a process, identify the major components and their relationships, and engage stakeholders in improvement discussions.

Process maps, on the other hand, provide a detailed, step-by-step overview of a process. SIPOC works well for initial process understanding and scoping, but process maps are better for in-depth analysis, identifying bottlenecks, and designing detailed improvements. It’s common for organizations to use both tools together, leveraging SIPOC for its simplicity and process maps for detailed analysis.

Process Map Example
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Process Map Example

Best Practices for Using SIPOC Diagrams

Use these best practices to conduct an effective SIPOC analysis and identify opportunities for improvement.

Define clearly

Clearly state what the SIPOC is analyzing, setting clear boundaries for what’s included and excluded.

Involve everyone

Involve representatives from various departments or teams associated with the process. This ensures a comprehensive view and promotes collaboration, bringing diverse perspectives to the analysis.

Keep it simple

Keep the SIPOC diagram straightforward, focusing on the main parts of the process without unnecessary details.

Check for accuracy

Double-check the information in the SIPOC with those involved to make sure it’s accurate and up to date.

Ask detailed questions

When gathering information, ask detailed questions to uncover any issues or areas for improvement.

Carry out workshops or brainstorming sessions

Conduct workshops or brainstorming sessions to gather insights and perspectives from key stakeholders. This collaborative approach can lead to a richer understanding of the process.

In conclusion, the SIPOC diagram is a powerful tool for understanding and improving business processes. And it is a great tool for boosting efficiency, aligning processes with customer needs, and launching continuous improvement initiatives. Integrate the SIPOC diagram into your organization’s operational toolkit to pave the way for improved customer satisfaction and sustained success.


Amanda Athuraliya
Amanda Athuraliya Communications Specialist

Amanda Athuraliya is the communication specialist/content writer at Creately, online diagramming and collaboration tool. She is an avid reader, a budding writer and a passionate researcher who loves to write about all kinds of topics.

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